It has been like 6 years since I graduated from high school, OMG! am I that old? ok ok I'll take that back!
It's has been a couple'a'years since i graduated from high school "ok now, that sounds much better". Our dof3a was made of 55 girls, most of us were in the same school since 1st grade. 12 years of laughter, 12 years of stupid fights, 12 years of showing off, 12 years of worrying about grades. 12 years of UNFORGETABLE MEMORIES! Each and every girl was known for her own unique character that can never be changed no matter what.
Our last year in school was almost gonna end. We all didnt want to lose contact of each other afterwards, we wanted to always stay in touch and and and... BUT! After we graduted, things didnt go the way we wanted them to be. First of all, eljam3at fragatna, girls spread all around the world to study, some in Jordan, Lebanon, London, States, Belguim, Sudan, Egypt, UAE, and the rest spread around Saudi between Jeddah, Riyadh, and Khobar. Incase you're wondering, I studied in Riyadh for a year, then Khobar for 3, and doing another major in Bahrain.
I have lost contact with almost 80% of the girls in the first year, after that, we started seeing each other in the school graduation parties, gatherings, shopping malls, or 7ata belsafar in Europe and Lebanon.
Anyhow, a couple'a'years back our friend May got married, it was the first time we gather since graduation! well, it wasnt all of us, but like 60% of us. Again we had the gathering in 3yyosh's wedding, but unfortunately 3yyosh was gonna move to Qatar. Since then, I tried to stay in contact with some of the girls and txted them from time to time.
A month ago, while I was forwarding some emails, I thought of emailing the school galz and asking them to meet up. I got a reply instantly for Reem <-- 3yyosh's best friend telling me that 3yyosh is in town and that they're both ok with it. Sara H. welcomed the idea, too. 4 girls is better than nothing. I wouldnt cancel it law eish! I really wanted to see them! so, we met in a cafe, just the 4 of us, for about 2 hours, talking about school memories, ohh yeah, and I took a cheee cake recipe for Reem :p. Before we left, I promised them enno I'll try to let more girls attend next month.
Last week, I sent a txt msg to 6 girls, and asked them to forward it to other girls from our dof3a. Last friday at 6 pm was THE TIME! I was the first one to arrive, 2 of the girls had already told me that they can't make it, but 6 did confirm their attendence. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! elsh3oor kan marra 7amaaaaaaaas! I didnt know who could come in any second! 10 minutes later, 3anouda and Hiba came in, after them was Hala, then the girls soon tjmm3o! we ended up 3ala 10 girls. only one of them that I havent seen since graduation. Nafs our first tiny meeting, we started with school talk, then we started introducing our selves all over again and where we are now a days. Almost all of us work, some got married, and some got KIDS! we were all so excited about the jam3a, not to mention being so loud! everyone in the cafe knew everything about us! our names, phone numbers, jobs, EVERYTHING looolBefore we left, I told them enno our next gathering inshAllah ra7 ykoon at my place wo will try to contact more girls kaman.
I love my my class mates! and miss them so much :(