Will it be a happy Eid?

Another Ramadan is drawing to an end, and Eid is knocking on our doors. Eid is a time to come together as a community and to renew friendship and family ties. It is a joyous occasion for all ages. You can smell happiness in the air. But I doubt we will do so this year, it will be our first Eid without him.
I know for sure that I’ll feel weird that day. I know for sure that I’ll remember every little thing he used to do and might even say it out loud. I know for sure that I’ll fake a smile and might not hold myself and shed some tears but I’ll try my best not to, or at least not to be noticed doing so.
Since I have known what Eid is, we have never had someone missing! Alhamdulillah every Eid we would all gather in my grandparents' house from Maghreb and stay there all night long. Yeah yeah, I know I don’t do so, I fall asleep right after the famous Eid Kebab feast, But I still can hear my aunts, cousins, and him shouting for someone to get him something while am on mama Shaikha's bed. I really can't imagine how we all will gather without him this year. Some of us might be used to it by now, for he has been in the hospital for 5 months, unfortunately not getting any better but thank God not worse.
I have been thinking what will my young cousins do, I mean don’t know how will they ask for their money, they’re used to getting it from him each Eid. He used to put a "post it" with each grand child's name on the money bill. Ones who graduated from school would get 500 S.R., ones still in high school would get 100, and youngsters will get 50. Other than the chocolates and candies he used to give out. I remember one Eid he had this thing like a game, he held envelopes in the hands and everyone draws an envelope. Each envelope had a different amount of money, from 1 Riyal to 500 I think. If you're wondering I got a 10, not a lucky one, i know! Don't get me wrong here. Money is worth nothing compared to the smile you see on his face followed by a laugh and then a series of coughs.
Can't stop crying! Don’t know if am supposed to do so or am being too emotional!
As mom said the other day, InshAllah first thing we'll do on Eid morning is going to him, we want him to know that he is not forgotten and never will be! He will be always be the first one we greet on Eid just like every other Eid when we get into my grand parents house and mama would push us to his room to say the Eid greetings to him, and I would be winking and smiling at him so he would give me my money… lol
Grandpa, we all want you to be in better health and come back home!
Allah yegwmek belsalama…
Happy Eid ya'll!
welcome to the blogsphere awalan ;)
and i kno how u feel , this eid is gona suck! anyway allah ygawmo bl salama inshalla :)
now i'm shocked! min jid we havent spoken for a long time now, you have a blog! truly amazed,
welcome to the blogosphere, and may god bring hope back into our lives, cos we really do need it!
thaaaaaanx for welcoming me here! :D and Allah yesma3 mennk, inshAllah ygoom belsalama..
leo <-- rasmya with u here :p
lee truely amazed that i have a blog? mo wajh blogs y3nee? :s
SARA! lesh shltee il shay 7ag il projects?! fe il links! :P sara irja3ee 7o66i!!! :P please :D
which one? the essay thingy?
from that eye shadow infection you have, i just hope it wont spread, looks pretty serious!
lol, bl3x, taw elblog nawwar!
YESSS!!! thank YOU!!!!! :P i needed that! new prog we have to give proj to EVERY sub that includes 3 MAWAD IL DEEEN
Hi there welcome to the blogsphere.. wish you`ll continue posting like Leo :D without gitting bored like i did :s
Best wishes to your grandfather, and hope you`ll have a happy Eid (as much as you can)
thanx alot Alia, but i dont think i'll posting zay leo! i'll soon get bored :p
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