70 Riyals and a box of Galaxy jewels

First day of Eid had finished! totally not as i expected! not a tear has been shed!
Grandpa, wasnt the first one we greeted, He wasnt in the V.I.P. wing yet, we had to wait till 11:30 to see him. So we started our day in granny's place, Greeting her and my aunt from Riyadh was the start of our morning Eid cruise.
The second stop was "haly haly's" house, no silly! it's not her real's name! she's my grandmother's step mom, but she says "haly haly" as a hello, so that name got stuck with her along my cousins.
Now, it was almost 11:30, so we were at the hospital! grandma, aunts and my cousins, we went up to his room, surprisingly, i acted so normal, as if he was all fine! i greeted him and kissed his hand. He was almost unconsious and then he fell asleep after less than 5 minutes!
we went on a couple of stops after that, not going into details not to bore you! but we ended up in granny's place where we all gathered, i was waiting impatiently for dinner! i havent eatten anything from last night's fotoor! i didnt sleep after that on granny's bed, but i did on my own bed, yeah... i went back home 3ala 6ool after dinner!
Second day of Eid... woke up at about 2 pm, packed some stuff, and went to the beach house. same faces from last night gathered at about Maghreb, for some of them started fasting and wanted to eat their fotoor there. everyone went back home at 2 am, but i was asleep waaaaaaaaay before they thought of leaving!
Third day of Eid, still at the beach house, and AGAIN family gathered at our place, yeah i think you can see that am not so excited about it! i mean same people, 3 days in a row, 8 hours a day! but at the end of this day, we came back home! finally, back to my slash.dash <-- my laptop's name :D
P.S. 70 Riyals and a box of Galaxy jewels were what i got for Eid!
lool would you like a share of the things i got for Eid :D :D :D this year i was soooo.................... NYyyyaHaha:P
yeah please :( <-- the sad face 3ashan aksr el5a6er!
i guess am beginning to have second thuoghts :P lool
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